Arthritis Pain Relief and Belly Fat
Arthritis pain relief starts in your belly. Your joints ache and you're noting swelling and other annoyances that keep you from going comfortably about your daily activities, it might be time to do something about that waistline.
Did you know that, upon examination of the statistics, weight gain is a proven epidemic in our country, and obesity is rapidly becoming a household problem. In fact, a recent national health survey, which included testing for a wide variety of illnesses, revealed that a full one-third of adults in the U.S. diagnosed with diabetes didn't even know they had it! That's pretty scary considering the life threatening side effects associated with the disease.
Your joints aren't the only pains you'll afford from carrying extra weight. Fat around the midsection can also be a precursor to:
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Fatty organs
- High LDL (bad cholesterol)
- Low HDL (good cholesterol)
- High triglyceride levels
- High blood sugar
- Damage to the walls of the arteries
- Damage the eyes
- Damage the kidneys
- Create a 'leaky' blood-brain barrier and allow toxins to enter the brain (this phenomenon is associated with the development of degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases).
- Accelerated aging process
- Ovarian cyst formation
- Erectile dysfunction
- Low testosterone levels in men
- Thyroid dysfunction
- Slowing the metabolism
So you see, being overweight can do far more than damage your joints. It can also become the catalyst for life threatening ailments.
Losing weight will help you to prevent all these problems while also taking pressure off your aching joints and gain arthritis pain relief. Remember, losing just one pound will take four pounds of pressure off your knees, ankles, and lower back! From the above information, it is safe to assume that should you fail to address your weight problems, ailing joints and extra joint pain may be the least of your worries!
M Michael
Don't wait for your joints to give up on you, take the first step towards healthy joints. Act now before it is too late. Healthy joints are vital to the quality of your life. Build a life free of pain and aches. Start protecting your joints now.
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