Friday, November 21, 2008

Food to Eat With Gout to Avoid Pain

Many people have learned that in order to decrease those excruciating pains that happen so suddenly, they must improve their diets. Here, it will be discussed as to the proper diet one should follow in order to accomplish this decreasing of pain, and explanations as to the causes of such negative and positive reactions to certain foods. The sooner a sufferer of such calamity learns what food to eat with gout, the sooner their calamity will subside.

For starters, gout is caused by an unstable increase of uric acid in the blood stream. Crystal-like formations, then, are deposited in those minuscule areas between the joints. Uric acid is made from purine, therefore, to ingest foods with more than the daily requirement of purine will, indeed, increase the levels of uric acid in the blood stream. Once these happenings have been accomplished, sudden, sharp pain is the result.

The first step to combating this negative effect is to learn which foods contain high levels of purine and which do not. This is not to say that a complete denial of purine is necessary, but the minor decrease or complete fast of purine will depend on the individual themselves.

First, the sufferer must, by all means, increase the fruit and vegetable intake in their diet if they're not eating the required amount to begin with. For the record, the daily preferred amount of fruits and vegetables is, at least, five daily servings.

Fruits and vegetables have very low levels of purine in them with only potatoes, corn and peas as the exception. Again, it's not necessary to deny these three altogether, but it'll be wise to refrain from eating these more than two times within a seven day period.

Needless to say, though, are the myriads upon myriads of ways to prepare fruits and vegetables as a meal or side-dish. Most important to mention is the levels of water found in such food groups. Besides the water found in such foods, you should also increase the amount of water drank as water helps to filter uric acid via urine.

The medical profession has stated that one of the best foods to eat in order to lessen the effects of gout are wild, or black cherries. These particular cherries have been associated with lowering the amount of uric acid in the system.

Black cherries can be eaten raw and made into quite the healthy beverage. As a matter of fact, it's been recommended to drink, if possible, the nectar once or twice a day. It's noted that it's more beneficial to make your own home-squeezed juice rather than the typical over-the-counter brand as the latter is known to be non-existent of the uric acid reducing agents due to poor filtering techniques.

Consult a physician, first and foremost. Of course, it's wise to listen as attentively as possible to the direction of your doctor regarding a diet or any other piece of advice given. You'll be glad to learn that a physician can give you the perfect diet concerning food to eat with gout in order to make you healthy again.

Alvin Hopkinson is a leading researcher in the area of natural remedies and gout treatment. Discover how you can get rid of your gout for good using proven home remedies, all without using harmful medications or drugs. Visit his site now at

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Arthritis Caused By Aluminum Poisoning

Heavy metal poisoning has become a major health problem in recent history and will inevitably become much worse, as more countries become industrialized nations. Metals and industrial bi products seep into the water and enter the food chain.

Heavy metals have a density of over five times that of water, which means the human body is unable to successfully break down the foreign bodies and is forced to retain them. The accumulation of heavy metals trapped in the body causes toxicity to poison the bloodstream, leading to damaged kidneys, lungs, nervous system and other organs.

What is Heavy Metal Poisoning (Toxicity)?

Heavy Metal Toxicity is the level of toxic metals that has been absorbed by the body in numerous ways which usually depend on the type of metal. The four main toxic metals are aluminum, lead, cadmium, and mercury. These metals can cause various complications and indeed in many cases lead to illness and disease.


Aluminum is the most common toxic metal & is found in almost everyone's body. Whether it is under your arms, in your teeth, or even on your skin, aluminum is found more than any other metal. Sources: Aluminum foil, antacids, aspirin, toothpaste, dust, auto exhaust, treated water, nasal spray, milk products, salt, commercially-raised beef, tobacco smoke, anti-antiperspirants, bleached flour, cans, animal feed, ceramics, canned food, cosmetics, and even cigarette filters.

Symptoms of aluminum toxicity.

Symptoms are thought to include Brittle Bones, Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis as aluminum is stored in the bones. Kidney disease and malfunction may also result, as the kidneys filter aluminum. ADHD, ADD, Hyperactivity, memory disturbances, and learning disabilities.

How To Get Tested?

Getting tested for heavy metal poisoning is relatively easy and can be detected through a hair-follical test, you will need to speak to your doctor in order to get tested.

How To Treat Heavy Metal Toxicity.

Although there are supplements available which claim to rid the body of these damaging metals, ones best course of action would to detoxify the body naturally.

By Mark John

Discover how to reduce your arthritis pain and inflammation...quickly, using A Simple & Practical Method This method is not new but does really work. If your looking for a safe and effective way of treating your arthritis pain without drugs, supplements or complete diet change, visit Cure Your Arthritis for a drug free alternative.